Building Commissioning makes the most of your energy dollars.
Sometimes the gap between what a building does and what it is supposed to do is surprisingly wide, and without commissioning, ownership might not realize that a tolerably functioning building could be functioning much better — at a savings in operational costs.
Source: Dees Stribbling
If your building isn’t performing the way you think it should, you need Building Commissioning
Our Certified Commissioning Agents (CxA) have a depth of experience, counted in years and projects which ensures both familiarity and expertise with the variety of systems available in today’s market as well as those found in yesterday’s. Our specialists excel in engineering design, system design and implementation, and forensic engineering across a broad spectrum of industry scenarios.
alliancePROJECT performs Building Commissioning (BCx), Whole Building Commissioning (WBCx), and Retro-Commissioning (RCx) in accordance with ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005 and above. Where LEED, CHPS or CALGreen Certifications are needed, AlliancePROJECT provides specifically required Prerequisite Cx and Enhanced Cx, and the necessary documentation to satisfy certification requirements.
alliancePROJECT typically Commissions the following Building Systems:
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Renewable Energy
- Fire & Life Safety
- Security
- Emergency Power Generators
- Lighting and Lighting Controls
- Domestic Hot Water
- Fume Hoods
- Central Heating & Cooling Plant (e.g. chillers, pumps, VFDs, cooling towers, controls)
- Thermal Storage
Whole Building Commissioning also conditions the following systems to verify the integrity of the building envelope:
- Architectural Systems
- Insulation
- Drainage Planes
- Fenestration
- Air and Vapor Barriers
Retro-Commissioning (RCx) is performed for existing buildings and includes a comprehensive energy audit to measure, document and understand the existing performance of the building. Retro-Commissioning applies systematic investigation processes for improving and optimizing the operation of buildings and facilities. RCx may or may not bring the building back to its original intended design. In fact, original design documentation may no longer exist or may be irrelevant.
RCx ensures system functionality. An inclusive and systematic process, RCx is intended not only to optimize how equipment and systems operate but also to optimize how the systems function together. Although RCx may result in recommendations to investigate further capital improvements, O&M tune-up activities and diagnostic testing are primarily used to optimize existing systems. Retro-Commissioning goals, objectives, and the level of rigor, may vary depending upon the current needs of the owner, the focus on dynamic energy-using systems with the intent to reduce energy waste, obtaining energy cost savings, or identifying and correcting existing problems, if any.